I was invited by my colleague Fiona Simon, CEO of the Australian Hydrogen Council to attend their first Member meeting in 2024.
The Australian Hydrogen Council is the peak body for the hydrogen industry, with members from across the hydrogen value chain. AHC frames their policy work around Economic, Social and Regulatory licence.
Some of the important work the council does is work with the Federal Government as it refreshes the National Hydrogen Strategy and continues its response to the US Inflation Reduction Act.
There is currently $2bn in public funding for Australian hydrogen projects (including $600m from the SA Govt Hydrogen Jobs Plan), plus an additional $2bn in the federal government Headstart program. The EU has committed at least 25.7bn AUD and Japan over 30bn AUD in Hydrogen projects.
The Australian Hydrogen supply chain does tend to be focussed on the export market as there is a ready market in countries like Japan and South Korea. However there is a rapidly growing Australian market in the chemicals, transport and energy generation industries.
For example, Hyzon has announced the launch of a 200kW fuel cell system in a Prime Mover in Australia.
A recent Port of Rotterdam study estimated the growth in international demand will increase from 25Mt in 2030 to 100Mt by 2050. The SA and TAS Governments have been engaged in that study.
Thanks to the Australian Hydrogen Council team and members for a very informative session.
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